Friday, January 25, 2013

Ginger Wisp

Look what I whipped up in Wisp last weekend? It’s a riff on drink called the White Orchid found here
2 parts Domaine de Canton ginger liqueur
1 part Absolut Citron
2 parts white cranberry juice
Lemon juice
White of an egg
For four cocktails I used the juice of half a lemon and the white of one egg. I didn’t have a cocktail shaker with me so I whisked it all together in a blender and got some really fluffy egg whites.

What was I thinking not traveling with a cocktail shaker?

Classy shot with the pot holder and tea towel.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Snow is on our minds this week though there's none on the ground (what's up with that weather man?); we're also heading for the slopes this weekend so it put me in the mood to make something snowy. Or at least something white and this is what I made with what I had on hand:
2oz Rum with coconut liqueur (Malibu)
½ oz pineapple flavored vodka
1 ½ oz pineapple juice
Splash of half and half
Dab a little pineapple juice on the rim of the glass and dip it in shredded coconut
The splash of half and half is to add the white snowy color and doesn’t make it too sickly sweet (or add too many calories) like a creamy liqueur or coconut cream might and the flavor comes from the liquor instead– just the way we like it.
This could also be called a Snow Colada as in ‘it’s no pina colada’! It’S NO. Get it?
I’m hilarious.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Clementines, mandarins and tangerines are like little pieces of sunshine in a fruit bowl so why not celebrate them in a martini glass too. This drink was kicked off with an impulse purchase at Trader Joe's but the clementine soda isn't absolutely necessary for this at all.
2 parts Absolut Citron
1 part St. Germain elderflower liqueur
1 tsp lemon or lime juice
Juice of one clementine Splash of Clementine flavored soda - optional Garnish with a thin slice of clementine
Makes January easier somehow.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Hot Whiskey

Not a cocktail per se but on these damn frigid cold evenings it’s the perfect pick-me-up-and-wrap-me-in-a-blanket kind of drink! It's rare the person in Ireland who doesn't want one when those little chills set in. Whether medicinal or not, it's definitely comforting.

For the classic Irish preparation you will need:
Glass and spoon (obviously you say but the spoon is important!)
1 1/2 -2oz decent whiskey - Irish of course i.e., whiskey spelled with an 'e'.
Tsp of brown sugar
Slice of lemon
5-6 whole cloves
Just boiled water from the kettle.
It's rare the kitchen in Ireland without an electric kettle.

Stud the slice of lemon with the cloves.
It's rare the bar in Ireland in winter that doesn't have the lemons ready.

Mix the sugar with whiskey and pour in the hot water with the spoon in the glass - this helps not to shatter the glass. The more water you use the hotter (and weaker) the drink.

It's rare the person in Ireland who calls them anything but a hot whiskey (instead of 'toddy').